Javascript Training

I have recently completed the Udemy Modern JavaScript Bootcamp 2019 course run by Andrew Mead. It has been one of the most professional courses I have taken in video training. The quality and depth of training would be enough to give a learner a solid understanding of javascript. There is enough content to keep a user going for a couple of months.

I did all of the training exercises and have built up a wealth of knowledge and some best practices in JavaScript. I didn’t take any notes while I was training and kept the source code as my notes. The main reason for this was that Andrew created a PDF booklet based on all of the training that he presented in his videos.

I am now realising that I went through the course too quickly and regretting that I didn’t create my usual Markdown notes so I am going to start going through select modules and create some documentation. I will also use Andrew’s notes to complement mine.

I will start with the module on JavaScript dates. Andrew noted that dates in JavaScript are basic and used the third party Moment.js library to extend the JavaScript date functions.