Changing the Linux Swapfile Size

I am having real problems keeping my ASUS netbook running. It doesn’t have enough specs to run a lightweight version of Linux. Increasing the size of the swapfile is supposed to improve the performance of low specced machines. I have worked out how to change the swapfile size in the hope that it may help. To check if you actually have a swapfile. swapon -s This will either return nothing or detail the swapfiles statistics.

How to Setup a Permanent Doskeys Macro File

I needed to recreate my doskeys.macro file on a new computer. The following commands show how to setup permanent doskey commands. Open Regedit. Go to the following regedit directory. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Create a new key named Autorun. REG_SZ Value doskey /macrofile="d:\util\macros.doskey" My macros.doskey These are short key commands that I use every day. cr=createcmd cu=cleanup dl=dlist no="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $1 mp=D:\Util\BuildMp3Tag.exe Added note I have found a better way to install this registry setting.

Using Command Prompt in Windows 10

In one of the Windows 10 feature upgrades Microsoft decided to make Powershell the default command shell on the Windows start menu (Win-X keys). I use Powershell occasionally and wanted the option to use the Command prompt instead. To do this go to: Settings > Personalization > Taskbar There is an option to replace Windows Powershell with the command prompt.

Installing Microsoft SQL Server

I recently upgraded my working computer so had to reinstall all of my software. I ran into problems with my SQL Server installation. When I am installing any major piece of software I must remember to install it with Administrator privileges. In the installation process I give the SQL Server Instance ID a name. If you don’t do this your SQL Server instance will be named mssqlserver. You will use this for all database connection strings in your applications.

Node.js Security Issue

Yesterday morning I opened my computer and noticed that I had a Window 10 feature update waiting to be installed. I completed the process and started working on the Rest API that I am creating. I am using Node.js and running my server with Express.js. I booted up the server and immediately got a server error. I had worked on the application the day before and knew that it was running without any problems.

Markdown to HTML Process

For a number of years I have been using to compile my Markdown files into HTML. The process was relatively easy and I could quickly take the body content out of the exported web page and insert it into a Bootstrap HTML template to produce a styled web page. The HTML that was created wasn’t valid HTML but I wasn’t concerned with that. Recently I found that Dillinger started changing the formatting of the HTML content it was producing.

My Internet Stopped Working

I was working on my computer today when I needed to search for a topic on Google. To my surprise the internet had stopped working. I quickly checked on another device and found that the internet was working there. It was just my computer with the problem. I have had this problem in the past and use ipconfig to fix it. The commands are: ipconfig /registerdns ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew The part that I always forget to do is reboot my computer after I do the renew.

Working With JavaScript Variable Type Errors

I was struggling to get some code working in JavaScript and realised that I’d made a small variable type error. This is one of the problems in working with a loosely typed language like JavaScript. When I work in C# it is strongly typed meaning that I have to declare a variable and its type at the same time. This saves a multitude of errors in my code. Unfortunately I don’t have this luxury with JavaScript and I have to be more careful with my variables.

Javascript Training

I have recently completed the Udemy Modern JavaScript Bootcamp 2019 course run by Andrew Mead. It has been one of the most professional courses I have taken in video training. The quality and depth of training would be enough to give a learner a solid understanding of javascript. There is enough content to keep a user going for a couple of months. I did all of the training exercises and have built up a wealth of knowledge and some best practices in JavaScript.

Using Git

I have spent the past week re-investigating Git for source control in my programming projects. Previously I used Azure DevOps (formerly Team Foundation Server or TFS) for source control. I am happy with TFS but wanted to use Git as there are millions of other users posting their projects on Github. The thing that put me off putting my projects on Github is that they are public and anyone can see them.