
How to Setup a Permanent Doskeys Macro File

I needed to recreate my doskeys.macro file on a new computer. The following commands show how to setup permanent doskey commands. Open Regedit. Go to the following regedit directory. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor Create a new key named Autorun. REG_SZ Value doskey /macrofile="d:\util\macros.doskey" My macros.doskey These are short key commands that I use every day. cr=createcmd cu=cleanup dl=dlist no="C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" $1 mp=D:\Util\BuildMp3Tag.exe Added note I have found a better way to install this registry setting.

Using Command Prompt in Windows 10

In one of the Windows 10 feature upgrades Microsoft decided to make Powershell the default command shell on the Windows start menu (Win-X keys). I use Powershell occasionally and wanted the option to use the Command prompt instead. To do this go to: Settings > Personalization > Taskbar There is an option to replace Windows Powershell with the command prompt.